Fluval Flex 15 Gal Tanks

His/Hers Fluval Flex 15 tanks
20170714 162638  Performing a leak test before setting up the tanks. 20170714 164928  Instant holiday decorations.... IMG 4774  Both tanks setup and filters cycling.  'His' on the left and 'Hers' on the right.
20170716 143810 IMG 4772  "Her's" IMG 4766  "His" with way too many plants. I ordered a plant 'pack' from GreenPro on Amazon and I was surprised at the size/quality of the plants. I also discovered that the LED light that comes with the Flex 15 cannot provide sufficient (A LOT!) light for Dwarf Hair Grass.`
IMG 4806  Two Dwarf Gouramis (Howie and Marvin).  Hungry Howie and Starvin Marvin. IMG 4803 IMG 4805  Two Albino Corys.
IMG 4804 20170820 152533  I removed the oversized Amazon Sword and Anacharis plants. 20170821 164726
20170812 152020  After adding X-Ray Tetras 20170812 152028